Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Birthday Quickie!

Just a quickie today as I'm quite busy and important, (that's a laugh, I'm in my pj's already haha!) I've had a really lovely day today albeit fairly quiet. I've had facebookers wishing me many happy returns, a phone call off my dad, a whatsapp picture log of my sister opening a card for me that she forgot to send, this is progress by the way, the fact that she remembered to buy one! Me and her NEVER remember cards, phonecalls yes, but never cards. In all honesty, I think the picture log was that more original. 
I had visits from friends, the mother and the inlaws, I've got cake coming out of my ears, (2 birthday cakes and a slice of fresh cream cake off of my bestest buddy,) money, flowers, sweets, perfume, clothes and a dvd! Talk about spoilt. And I'm going out for dinner tomorrow to the local Italian with my husband and daughter. I'm so looking forward to it, I love love love italian food! I might even try my hand at a review when I come home, not going to make a habbit of it, but I'll give it a whirl.

During this afternoon, my daughter and I were looking under the sink trying to find some large tupperware for storing my copious amounts of cake, when we came accross a rather horrific sight. Gross tendrills of potato root poking out from under my sieve! Goodness knows how long that'd been there, but I'm guessing.....a while. Anyway, we ended up having loads of fun playing "the aliens going to get you" chasing each other around the bottom floor with this wriggly rooted potato. Talk about budget laughs, my frugality knows no bounds.
Some tips? ok, here we go... There is absolutley no need to fork out hundreds of pounds this christmas, just by your fruit and veg a bit early, leave it to 'evolve' and see what happens. In my house Maris Piper is clearly the new Fisher Price!

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