Tuesday 2 October 2012

Motherhood Mayhem

 Well good day to all who view! I am currently in the middle of;
  • trying to plan a birthday party for my daughter next month
  • planning my crafting for Christmas tit bit's
  • imagining list after list of things that need doing in my house before bundle of joy number two is born, and last but not least
  • figuring out how long I should take of work after bundle of joy number two is born.

and in all honesty I'm beginning to find it all a bit overwhelming. Not only do I have all of the above to consider, but it has just hit me that not only am I pregnant, but I will in fact have another child to look after!! I realise that makes me a little slow on the uptake, I mean I know how the whole thing works of course,
My first pregnancy bump.
  1. you have sex
  2. you get pregnant if you're lucky (or unlucky, depending on the situation!)
  3. you stay pregnant for a number of months and then
  4. you have a baby by pushing or slicing, which you usually keep, love and cherish forever. (this also depending on the situation.)
I obviously just didn't realise it applied to me this time. Doh! So I was just sitting in my recliner last night and had a mild panic attack about the thought that "Oh shit! I'm gonna have TWO kids to look after!!!!" Followed by another thought of "AHHHHHHHH!"
Oh well, it can't be too hard can it? My mother's had six and she managed OK, I guess only time will tell.
 The whole 'operation tidy' I spoke of yesterday did not come into fruition. My brother is ill (likely story ha ha) and my Mother is planning a divorce (thank God, the man's a pillock!) so I did what any woman in their right mind would do, sat on my back side and watched anything at all to prevent me from doing the housework.
 After watching crap on the tele I had a visit from my mother with all manor of jargon from the solicitors, council etc. And we had a good gossip about the fact that husband number 3 is a beep beep beepety beep! During this we totally lost track of time, my bath had run to a ridiculous level and my cat had pooped with a ridiculous level of stench. I had to literally dive into said bath, scrub a dub dub and get the hell out, leaving my mum downstairs with the aroma of poo, a scented candle and a box of matches!
 Consequently we had to drive around the corner to pick my girl up, without me even having time to bush my sodden hair. Slummy Mummy or what?!
My own playdough creation.
 All serious questions will have to be pondered onlater in the day, the only serious answer I've fallen upon is that I'm going to let my daughter have a full day at her school nursery as well as her free morning sessions. This is only due to he fact that she has been crazing my gear box about having a packed lunch. She wants to take grapes, an orange, a banana and a cheese sandwich. At least I can be thankful that she has healthy taste.
 An eventful day and it's not even gone 2:00pm. Love my life, and I'm not even being sarcastic. Big smiles as always from me.

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