Friday, 29 June 2012

The Egg and Spoon Race!

Let me begin with my daughters Sports day. It was actually the day before yesterday but I'm getting around to it now. I tend to delay things in life, so my blog is obviously going to be no different at all. If I was a super hero, my name would be.... (in a silly voice please) The Procrastinator!!
Anyway, my daughter and her class are mostly 3, and as you can imagine while following certain rules, they tend to go at their own pace which is why i loved the little activities that were set out for them all. Each little game was more of a team effort rather than a "you win" sort of line up, which was very refreshing. The egg and spoon race, being my favourite, had each child against one of their parents/carers and so of course every child won. All the parents were encouraged to take part at some point or another,(apart from the obstacle course which I fear would have been disasterous had our weight been involved.) There was:
  • Build a big tower
  • Fill up the water tray. Each child had a bucket and each parent had a cup and we were all running back and forth transfering water from several buckets to the class water tray
  • Bean bag throwing
  • Obstacle course
  • Jumping mini hurdles, and of course...
  • The egg and spoon race
And I was involved in all of them. I was a Nursery Nurse for about 7 years and it all came flooding back to me. It was like I had my own class again.
My daughter was laughing her little head off throughout most of the events and I loved it. Seeing your child laugh is one of the best things life has to offer, and at the bargain price of doing a silly dance or joining her in a sports day event is something i think all parents can afford. Fun all round methinks.

On another note, after my whinging yesterday about my double cleaning shift, my night turned out alright in the end. When I arrived home at about 10 past 8, (got a lift of my mother in-law) I walked in the door to find that my husband had done me a curry, naan bread and an onion bahji. What a hero! I have to say, when to comes to husbands, mine is pretty darn good! Sometimes you need something small like a tea made by someone other than you, it just makes you feel appreciated. Even though I didn't even wash the pots! I washed them today though. There comes a point, and I'm talking about the point when there are no clean plates in the cupboard, where you really must grab the fairy and a pair of marigold's and take action!

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Let It Pour!

Thunder and lightening in the North West today!
 I'm definately not whinging about it because it's my favourite weather of all! I love the sound of the rain hammering down on my kitchen roof. I used to go outside in my nighty and get soaked, because it's still so warm in June, and consequently, the rain is also. I can't really do that anymore however, I'd probably end up being committed which I've got to tell you, I don't really want to happen. Nevermind, when I win that lottery and buy my magical farm house in the middle of nowhere I'll be able to do it again, until then however, I'll stick with going out in my wellies and brolly!
  Thursday is my least favourite day of the week. I have a split shift at work, which is highly annoying. First shift 6:00am-9:00am then another at 6:00pm-8:00pm. I'm a cleaner at a large supermarket, high class I know. It's better than my last job toilets! Lovely! Fortunately I have an iron gut so not much phases me at all.
  I digress, so Thursday is poop. I just can't get motivated at home throughout the day, I worked until 11:00am this morning so I have even less 'get up and go' than usual. I got home at 11:30 after a dawdle through town, came home took my coat off and sat down for approximately 3 minutes before going to pick my girl up from school. Home again, made sarnie's all the while chatting to the wee'un about her day. Her day apparently consisted of riding bikes and scooters, and painting a picture of stars, infinitely more interesting than mine. We ate out sarnies, got changed into comfortable joggers and chilled out, read books and listened to the thunder and rain. This is where I have stayed for the remainder of the afternoon.
 At the moment I'm typing amidst a mountain of ironing, card crafting stuff strewn accross the table, last night's tea and breakfast pots still in the sink and playdough in a variety of shades, all over the floor. (Laminate, thank the gods!) Do I care? Nope. There are more important things in life than being house proud let me tell you, and personally I think sitting in your pj's, listening to the rain, reading books to my daughter and blogging are definately more important. To name but a few.
  Enjoy your day, don't polish too hard, you'll only make me feel bad for being a slummy mummy.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Piggy Goes Pop!

Oh dear! I think I spoke too soon when I put 'working' in the title. Just had a rather unexpected call from my manager telling me that there will be some major hours cut at work! I have to tell you that I'm slightly worried about the whole ordeal. I'm only a cleaner at Asda, but that job keeps budget meals on my family's table! (Well, laps on the sofa, we're not at all conservative.) I'm having a one to one meeting in the morning so I'll find out more then. Fingers crossed for me not getting too many hours knocked off. 

On a slightly more uplifting note, my husband has just whipped off for some ear bleeding doom guitar practice and despite me spending 2 hours playing buckaroo, frustration and piggy goes pop, (which looks remarkably like myself upon entering a restaurant of any kind,) my daughter still cries for her daddy. She's such a daddy's girl bless her, it's really quite heart warming.

The Beginning For You.... Not For Me.

Hello and welcome to my wonderful blogging experience. To the left you have a daughter of three years old, cheeky, blonde, and full of attitude. To the right you have a husband. Long haired, guitarist of a signed doom band and seriously grumpy due to giving up smoking, and then there's me. (Pause for dramatic inhalation...... go!) I am a woman with;
  • a thousand idea's but no drive to follow them through.
  • a house with loads of potential but no money with which to fulfil it.
  • a great mind full of stories untold but no attention span to sit and write greatest novel ever! (I feel confident in saying this as I know it will never be written.)
  • a reasonable talent for baking, yet I'm too lazy to get round to doing it.
  • a desire to be self employed, yet undecided as to how I should employ myself.
As you can see, I'm like a (nearly) 30 year old teenager who still has no idea what she wants to do when she's all grown up.

There is one thing I am confident in however, and thats that I am a good Mum. My imagination is great, so me and my daughter have a wonderful time making up games in the tunnel and tent in her room, or playing pirates on the ship down at the local playground.  I realize that I'm tooting my own horn about this but hey, you've just got to sometimes. As my girl is only three, I'm making the most of her enjoying my company. I'm under no dillusion at all that she'll think I'm a 'cool' mum when she gets older, I think all parents realize that title is completely unattainable. If not, then it must be a hard lesson to learn.

As the title suggests this is the beginning of the blog, not of my life and so I may revert back to past events from time to time, or if nothing interesting has happened in a while, I'll just dig up some history. And so, if you care to stay with me on this un-magical flight that is my life, please feel free to take a seat in 'economy.' If not, exits are here, here and here for you, but I'm stuck here! And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.